
My research interests lie particularly at the intersection of second language acquisition (SLA) and cognitive science, with a strong adjacent interest in technology and its potential uses in the language classroom. In general, my focus in SLA is on grammar and vocabulary learning; derivational morphology for example intrigues me, particularly insofar as it seems to connect rule-acquisition with lexical proficiency (i.e. word-learning). From a cognitive perspective, I am interested in how teaching and practice can be structured to make learning more durable (how long information and skills can be remembered and performed) and generalizable (transferring skills and knowledge to unfamiliar contexts). I am also interested in exploring the use of technology in SLA to facilitate personalization/differentiation and to increase accessibility and student engagement.

I have previously worked on research examining K-12 blended learning (including blending in world language classrooms) as well as the design of educational materials and curriculum. For some specific examples, see my portfolio.

Current projects

  • Comparing effects of production vs. comprehension-based instruction on learning over time (German past and present tense morphology)
  • Integration of dialectal variation into vocabulary learning via a high-variability (interleaving) methodology to increase retention and generalizability of learning
  • L2 acquisition of deverbal nominalization in German and possible facilitation using high-variability training